The SSHC Platinum Mastermind with Greg Todd is the

Original Mastermind for Healthcare Professionals

(where many of today’s industry leaders got started)...

Join An Exclusive Group Of Innovators Turning The Old, Outdated Healthcare Model On Its Head & Achieving Financial, Time & Clinical Freedom On Their Terms!

The SSHC Mastermind with Greg Todd is the Original Mastermind for Healthcare Professionals

(where many of today’s industry leaders got started)...

Join An Exclusive Group Of Innovators Turning The Old, Outdated Healthcare Model On Its Head & Achieving Financial, Time & Clinical Freedom On Their Terms!

Dear Healthcare Professional,

Ready to transform your healthcare career into a thriving business that impacts countless patients, brings you joy and provides you financial, time and clinical freedom?

Inside the SSHC Platinum Mastermind, I help professionals just like you establish successful, scalable healthcare businesses.

If that's a goal you're aiming for in the next 3 months, then read on to see what the SSHC Platinum Mastermind is, why it’s unique and how it can help position your healthcare business in the top 1%.


From the Desk of Greg Todd

Clearwater, Florida

After 20+ years in healthcare, working as a physical therapist, opening and running my own clinics and consulting and coaching 1000s of healthcare professionals…

I’ve realized that success in healthcare has little to do with our certifications, degrees, dedication and sadly… even the quality of care we provide.

More than anything, our success lies in our ability to use leverage, hybrid business models and effective marketing strategies to create impactful and sustainable healthcare businesses.

Every healthcare professional hits a wall. 

Mostly they’re limited by their practice model, unable to remove themselves from the day-to-day operations with no more time or energy to see patients. 

They’ve got no other way of generating income than in-person, 1-1 patient sessions.

They use old, outdated methods to attract new patients and rarely have systems in place to hold onto them and keep them coming back for treatment.

As a result, their ability to reach more patients and grow their practice hits a ceiling. 

Which in turn affects their income, the joy and satisfaction they get from their work.

Once that happens it’s just a matter of time until their practice becomes a major source of stress, burnout and frustration.

Thankfully, I’ve found a way to move forward.

You see… 

Once you shift your approach (the way I teach) your healthcare business can go from struggling to thriving…

And from stuck to expanding.

That’s why I launched the SSHC Platinum Mastermind.

Everywhere healthcare professionals were looking for a community of forward-thinking entrepreneurs where they could gain access to proven strategies on business growth - and regain the joy and passion they’d lost.

After 20+ years in healthcare, working as a physical therapist, opening and running my own clinics and consulting and coaching 1000s of healthcare professionals…

I’ve realized that success in healthcare has little to do with our certifications, degrees, dedication and sadly… even the quality of care we provide.

More than anything, our success lies in our ability to use leverage, hybrid business models and effective marketing strategies to create impactful and sustainable healthcare businesses.

Every healthcare professional hits a wall. 

Mostly they’re limited by their practice model, unable to remove themselves from the day-to-day operations with no more time or energy to see patients. 

They’ve got no other way of generating income than in-person, 1-1 patient sessions.

They use old, outdated methods to attract new patients and rarely have systems in place to hold onto them and keep them coming back for treatment.

As a result, their ability to reach more patients and grow their practice hits a ceiling. 

Which in turn affects their income, the joy and satisfaction they get from their work.

Once that happens it’s just a matter of time until their practice becomes a major source of stress, burnout and frustration.

Thankfully, I’ve found a way to move forward.

You see… 

Once you shift your approach (the way I teach) your healthcare business can go from struggling to thriving…

And from stuck to expanding.

That’s why I launched the SSHC Mastermind.

Everywhere healthcare professionals were looking for a community of forward-thinking entrepreneurs where they could gain access to proven strategies on business growth - and regain the joy and passion they’d lost.

What’s the SSHC Platinum Mastermind?

I’m Greg Todd, the founder of the SSHC Platinum Mastermind.

After successfully transitioning from a traditional healthcare practitioner to launching and growing high-profit clinics, I now share my experience and insights with healthcare professionals in 19 different specialties. 

My strategies have transformed the lives of over 3,500 healthcare professionals I’ve had the pleasure to work with. Many of my current and past clients are industry leaders today. This mastermind is where they got their start.

In fact, every time I run a masterclass or workshop and share success stories I get lots of “hey, that’s my coach” from attendees.

You’ll meet some of these amazing healthcare leaders in just a moment.

The SSHC Platinum Mastermind focuses on helping healthcare professionals overcome burnout, financial limitations and the inefficiency of traditional practice models. It offers you a path to diversify your income, implement new, better and more effective systems and leverage all the opportunities available online.

You get to work directly with me (Greg Todd), my team at SSHC and a small group of healthcare entrepreneurs. We’ll map out your goals and craft a strategy to reach them over the next few months.

But that’s not all…

I’m Greg Todd, the founder of the SSHC Mastermind.

After successfully transitioning from a traditional healthcare practitioner to launching and growing high-profit clinics, I now share my experience and insights with healthcare professionals in 19 different specialties. 

My strategies have transformed the lives of over 3,500 healthcare professionals I’ve had the pleasure to work with. Many of my current and past clients are industry leaders today. This mastermind is where they got their start.

In fact, every time I run a masterclass or workshop and share success stories I get lots of “hey, that’s my coach” from attendees.

You’ll meet some of these amazing healthcare leaders in just a moment.

The SSHC Mastermind focuses on helping healthcare professionals overcome burnout, financial limitations and the inefficiency of traditional practice models. It offers you a path to diversify your income, implement new, better and more effective systems and leverage all the opportunities available online.

You get to work directly with me (Greg Todd), my team at SSHC and a small group of healthcare entrepreneurs. We’ll map out your goals and craft a strategy to reach them over the next few months.

We purposely limited the size of the group to no more than 50 clients at any given time. That’s the only way we can provide you the coaching and support you deserve.

But that’s not all…

You Also Get Access To My Team Of Experts At Smart Success Healthcare…

Andrew Tran

Director of Marketing

Also known as A.T. - Andrew Tran is the Director of Marketing at SSHC. A former client of SSHC and a DPT degree holder, Andrew has been a part of SSHC since 2016 and just joined the team early in 2023.  

He plays a crucial role in growing the brand positively, not only for the PT profession, but also for other healthcare providers. Andrew is passionate about all things marketing and will be helping you dial in your marketing, lead generation, content and paid ads strategy.

Brittany Lewis

Director of Client Relations

Brittany Lewis is an integral member of the Smart Success Healthcare team. She began her journey as Greg Todd's assistant, and her dedication and contributions have seen her progress to overseeing critical business functions, ensuring clients satisfaction. 

Brittany's commitment to upholding high standards and her keen eye for detail have played a pivotal role in the company's achievements. 

Brittany will be helping you keep your patients/customers happy so they keep coming back and telling everyone they know about you.

Kevin Goodwin

Director of Tech

Here’s What You Get Access To Once You Join…

Coaching & Consulting

  • Bi-Weekly Q&A session with me (Greg Todd) where we’ll cover the best strategies for growing your practice & online business and where you can get answers to all your questions.

  • Bi-Weekly Q&A sessions with Andrew Tran where you’ll be able to ask questions related to Marketing, Lead Generation, and Sales.

  • We will build out a team of 5 AI Assistants with you to help grow your business without need to spend $300k/year on payroll.

  • A 3-Day event where we will do Business Breakthrough (1 Day) + Innovation Implementation Events (2 Days) so you leave the weekend with not just more knowledge, but a system built out for you to have a system where you don't have to trade time for money

  • Training on how to build your clinical system (your pyramid) and how to present it to your clients.

  • Access to a variety of online programs and courses:

  • The Webinar Masterclass

  • The ‘How to Run a Challenge’ Masterclass

  • Plus… exclusive discounts on additional SSHC services

  • Direct support from my team of experts in technology, sales, marketing, copywriting, operations, and client success

Coaching & Consulting

  • Bi-weekly group coaching sessions with me (Greg Todd) where we’ll cover the best strategies for growing your practice & online business and where you can get answers to all your questions

  • Bi-Weekly Q&A sessions with Andrew Tran where you’ll be able to ask questions related to Marketing, Lead Generation, and Sales.

  • We will build out a team of 5 AI Assistants with you to help grow your business without need to spend $300k/year on payroll.

  • A 3-Day event where we will do Business Breakthrough (1 Day) + Innovation Implementation Events (2 Days) so you leave the weekend with not just more knowledge, but a system built out for you to have a system where you don't have to trade time for money

  • Coaching on how to build your clinical system (your pyramid) and how to present it to your clients

  • Access to a variety of online programs and courses:

  • The Invincible Income System' program ($3500 price)

  • The Webinar Masterclass

  • The ‘How to Run a Challenge’ Masterclass

  • Plus… exclusive discounts on additional SSHC services

  • Direct support from my team of experts in technology, sales, marketing, copywriting, operations, and client success

  • Weekly Sales & Marketing Training Calls where you’ll hear about the latest strategies we’re using to grow our business…

BONUS - Smart Suite Software (IF NEEDED)

  • Get access to our Smart Suite Software to be able to leverage your business!

  • The ONLY All-In-One HIPAA Compliant Software

  • Weekly Tech Support Q&A Calls

Community, Support & Networking

  • Exclusive access to a supportive (and successful) community of healthcare entrepreneurs where you can share insights, network and partner on projects

  • Regular client success check-in calls to make sure you’re held accountable and achieve your goals

  • Affiliate opportunities for all SSHC programs

BONUS - Community, Support & Networking

  • Exclusive access to a supportive (and successful) community of healthcare entrepreneurs where you can share insights, network and partner on projects

  • 2x/month client success check-in calls to make sure you’re held accountable and achieve your goals

  • Affiliate opportunities for all SSHC programs

Community, Support & Networking

  • Exclusive access to a supportive (and successful) community of healthcare entrepreneurs where you can share insights, network and partner on projects

  • Regular client success check-in calls to make sure you’re held accountable and achieve your goals

  • Affiliate opportunities for all SSHC programs

Meet a Who’s Who Of Our Mastermind Members

Who’s The SSHC Platinum Mastermind For?

We keep the group small so we can give you the attention and time you need. That means we won’t just take in anyone who applies.

We’re looking for a very specific type of person…

One who fits the following criteria:

We keep the group small so we can give you the attention and time you need. That means we won’t just take in anyone who applies.

We’re looking for a very specific type of person…

One who fits the following criteria:

Number 1...

No one wants to be around people who bring them down or suck the energy right out of the room. So you must be someone other people will enjoy being around. Be a positive person whose energy uplifts and inspires.

Number 2...

We’re going to guide you towards your goals, but won’t be doing all the work for you. If you’re looking for everything to be done for you, this isn’t the right place. 

We’ll show you how to do it, but you must be willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work. Be ready to act on our advice and strategies in order to achieve results.

Number 3...

Anyone can start a business, but staying in business for the long term requires resilience and persistence. 

If you give up at the first sign of trouble or any challenge makes you question whether you made the right choice, this is not for you.

You must stay committed to overcoming all the business hurdles and tough times ahead. We’ll help you every step of the way so you can avoid as many of the pitfalls I dealt with. But every business and entrepreneur has ups and downs. 

Expect them, plan for them and bouncing back will be much easier.

Number 4...

Be open to learning and adapting. A lot of what you’ll learn inside the Platinum Mastermind challenges the traditional healthcare model we were taught in college. 

It may even feel uncomfortable to shift the way you currently do business. But it’s the best way to take back control of your life and advance towards your business, professional and personal goals. 

And once the results start coming in, you’ll be glad you chose to work with us.

Do you fit those 4 criteria above?

Now that I’ve shared how the SSHC Platinum Mastermind can help you scale your healthcare business…

How it will show you proven, innovative business and marketing strategies….

And how it’ll provide open access to a community of forward-thinking professionals who are changing the healthcare game…

…Think you’ve got what it takes?

Now that I’ve shared how the SSHC Mastermind can help you scale your healthcare business…

How it will show you proven, innovative business and marketing strategies….

And how it’ll provide open access to a community of forward-thinking professionals who are changing the healthcare game…

…Think you’ve got what it takes?


Click below to find out if you and your business are the right fit for this life-changing experience.